
健康 & 安全

Two workers wearing hats and safety vests reviewing photo simulations in the field


Tetra Tech is committed to providing and maintaining a healthy and safe work environment for our employees. Tetra Tech’s program is designed to address the 危害 associated with our business and prevent injury and illness in the workplace.

虽然我们每年都要做成千上万个项目, there’s not a single one of those projects that are more important than every one of our employees going home every day safely. And there’s nothing that’s a higher priority to this company than that.

丹•Batrack 首席执行官

Tetra Tech intends to meet its responsibilities for health and safety by committing to the following:

  • 遵守适用的标准、法律和法规
  • Designating personnel accountable for 实现 health and safety 项目
  • Communicating health and safety 项目 and practices throughout the organization
  • Mitigating potential risks through hazard identification and assessment, 员工培训, 以及安全的工作方式
  • 为程序分配足够的资源
  • 实施执法和问责措施
  • 建立健康和安全绩效标准

Management is responsible for ensuring that Tetra Tech workplaces are safe and that risks, 危害, safety violations brought to their attention are investigated and promptly corrected.

Tetra Tech employees are responsible for complying with Tetra Tech’s health and safety policy, 程序和标准, conducting their work safely and without detriment to themselves, 其他员工, 或财产. Compliance with health and safety program requirements are mandatory. Willful violation of this policy will be considered cause for disciplinary action up to and including termination.

查看我们的健康 & 安全 Policy that guides us in our execution of work around the world.


安全 organizations and clients recognize Tetra Tech’s commitment to the health and safety of our employees and excellent performance in the safe execution of our projects. We incorporate this commitment to safety throughout our organization, from our executive management to each member of our field teams. We collect and report on incident metrics that inform our operations around the world on how to ensure all employees’ health and safety needs are being met. Our safety metrics for 损失工作日事故率(LWDIR) and 总可记录事故率 continue to be better than industry average.
During 2022, 43 Tetra Tech operating units qualified to receive the U.S. National 安全 Council Perfect Record Award for 12 consecutive months without a Lost Workday Injury.



In 2023 our enterprise-wide TRIR was 73 percent better than industry average.



In 2023 our enterprise-wide LWDIR was 73 percent better than industry average.



In 2023 our employees completed 60,412 health and safety training modules. 安全 is emphasized in our Project Management Training courses and 领导学院.

Worker wearing safety gear kneeling on a rock preparing to collect a stream water sample


Tetra Tech’s safety culture is introduced the moment an employee comes to the company. Employees receive instruction in Tetra Tech’s overarching safety commitment, as well as specific 项目 and processes relevant to their work. We continue to strengthen and foster this culture of safety through training, 指导, 以及持续的交流.


支持我们健康的认证专业全球最大体育平台员团队 & 安全计划 includes certified industrial hygienists and safety professionals, 矿山安全专业全球最大体育平台员, 职业健康专家, 医疗专业全球最大体育平台员, 个全球最大体育平台在健康和安全活动方面接受了交叉培训.

利乐全球最大体育平台的全企业安全委员会包括健康 & 安全 representatives from each operating unit and provides a regular forum to address safety initiatives, 项目, 和性能.


利乐全球最大体育平台希望员工参与开发, 实现, 不断改善我们的健康 & 安全计划. We support our employees by educating and informing them about safety topics of concern, 新程序及指引, 以及可用的培训. 这种支持包括:

  • 在线健康 & 安全 library with toolkits, commonly accessed forms, educational materials
  • Access to free trainings and support for safety-related certifications


FOCUS 4 educates employees about the most frequent types of incidents that result in injuries at Tetra Tech’s project sites and offices. FOCUS 4 guidance applies to all operations as a means to address the risk of injury, 评估危害控制, 目标改善范围, 鼓励员工参与, 防止受伤.


利乐全球最大体育平台每年六月都会认可并庆祝安全月. 在此期间, employees renew their commitment to safe work practices and participate in various awareness and prevention activities. We post weekly updates and resources on key safety topics to Tetra Tech’s intranet and LinkedIn, 脸谱网, Instagram 页面.


Tetra Tech encourages and recognizes proactive safety behavior through our safety achievement award program.

我们追求卓越 & 安全成就奖 is an annual enterprise-wide award that recognizes individuals and project teams who demonstrate the highest commitment to safety in execution of their work.



Chris McClain Discusses Leading with 安全 on Projects around the World

Blue graphic with health and safety icons and the words “Leading with 安全”

